This booking system (Skedda)  takes payment for the room and sends you the room code for your booking. You must book and pay to secure your place.*

* If you are a charity or individual let us know by clicking the button below to gain access to our charity/individual rate. 

Booking for one-off:

Use the calendar below to book your slot. Click and drag over the time that you would like to book the room(s) from and when you would like it to finish. You can also book by pressing the plus button in the bottom right corner using the top down bar to find the correct date, time and frequency. 

Please note that 2 hour minimum booking slot is available for non-partners 


Use the calendar below to book your slot. Click and drag over the time that you would like to book the room(s) from and when you would like it to finish. You can also book by pressing the plus button in the bottom right corner using the top down bar to find the correct date, time and frequency. Partners must book for a minimum of 3 hours. Additional room slots must be paid up front.

Get in touch for individual, charity and partner pricing

If you would like to discuss a potential booking or would like additional information please call: 07882 792 451

Terms & Conditions